"Soul Meets Body" Musical Analysis
"Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie is part of their album Plans . It is a blend of indie rock and indie pop. It was released August 8, 2005 and written/composed by Benjamin Gibbard and produced by guitarist Chris Walla. The are from the United States. It reached #1 on the US Adult Alternative Songs and #60 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in 2005-2006 (Billboard). While listening to this song, I get swept into the acoustics of the guitar, the catchy melody, and like Elsa Bray wrote in The Independent, ""a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere" summing up the effect it has on its listener." I couldn't agree more. The way this song can be played on repeat and to relate to certain lyrics and interpreting them into your own meaning "...where soul meets body" could have so many meanings to it and for me it means you are meeting yourself where you are. You are becoming one with yourself and learning to "... let the sun wrap its arms a...